The William Rotsler Virtual Museum : Remembrances : Earl Kemp

Contributions by Earl Kemp who was a good friend of William Rotsler.

Earl Kemp published a must read fanzine eI availiable here Earl Kemp
Mr. Kemp discusses Rotsler in depth in eI issue 18 and has Rotsler content throughout the entire run.

(My first awareness of Mr. Kemp was because he was the editor of an Ed Wood Jr. novel called "Orgy of the Dead". The movie Orgy of the Dead sent me on a collecting binge this website is the direct result of.
Additionally I purchased an already autographed by Mr. Kemp (and Robert Bonfils and Forrest Ackerman) copy of the novel.
On this subject I reccommend reading his eI12 The Bela Tolls for You* and eI 16 Earl Kemp by Robert Bonfils* and, eI 19 The Bitch Queen of Blood* )

Text and photos by Earl Kemp

"There are from a time in the late '60s when Bill came to visit me in El Cajon.
He had a comforting companion with him but he almost always did (at least one).
He wanted to go outside of town into the wilderness and take a few photos. So we did."

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Text and photos by Earl Kemp

"This photo was taken on a beach just north of
San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico in the late '60s or early '70s.
Rotsler was shooting the visuals to go with an illustrated novel."

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Image courtesy Earl Kemp. Photographer unknown

Party invitation circa 1970s featuring Rotsler, his friend Paul Turner, and some friendly models